Jayesh Boradia is a commerce graduate from Mumbai University who toppedin Computer science in 1985. He started his career as a computer consultantand was a master PICK programmer across the country. His expertise is inimplementing the projects to the last mile. He started an exclusive Data Recovery company under the nameJanitor Data Bombay Private Limited in 1996 and was soon recognized as 'Data Specialist'. His corecompetence lies in Data Recovery, Data Insurance, Data Forensic and Password Recovery. He helps andtrains various govt and legal agencies to solve difficult cyber crime cases giving a complete footprint to lawagency to execute in a court of law, and he is an expert in cyber crimes, online fraud management and mobileforensic. He has delivered lectures on various Data related topics and cyber crimes to Police department,Chartered Accountants and students in Mumbai and Nagpur.He has been awarded various awards andtestimonials for quality work and delivery.